Early bird
-Secure prices !!
from 649€
per week
for 6 people
Price calculator:
Click on a possible arrival day in the booking overview (outlined in black)!
without risk
With the price calculator (webplanner), all available dates and the respective total prices can be seen at a glance. There are no hidden costs . Even if paying a deposit is usual in the Netherlands: with us you don't have to pay a deposit .
secure payment processing
There are several secure payment options available to you from which you can choose freely. Almost all payment providers even offer you buyer protection (giropay, Klarna, credit card, PayPal).
You can also select the “ book now, pay later ” option (e.g. with PayPal).
As soon as you have filled out the booking form, you will receive an automated email with a summary of your data within a few minutes. Your desired period will immediately be marked red in the booking calendar and can therefore no longer be booked by other interested parties.
Within 5-10 working days you will then receive another email with the holiday park's confirmation number for your check-IN in the lobby. Short-term bookings are processed with priority, so that the processing time is significantly shorter.
At the same time, as a guest in our “GREEN VILLA” holiday home, you will receive a digital guest folder in advance with information that will be helpful before you arrive.
free rebooking
We offer you a free rebooking for our holiday home "GREEN VILLA" to a free period of your choice. The prerequisite is a valid reason proven in writing before the day of arrival (e.g. Corona requirements, serious illness, accident injury, etc.). It is even possible to rebook for a period of the following year free of charge.